Welcome to week 2!

I hope you guys got a chance to play with some classic pieces last week! If not, thats OK! These classes will be here for you whenever you're ready!

So for this weeks technique we're going to work on the V piece. 

This is the absolute most versatile technique you will use. As you'll see when I paint, I tend to use a mixture of V pieces and classic pieces. Thats the beauty of balayage, once you learn the skill, you can take the creative licensing wherever you want! 

I filmed two videos for this technique to show you how to use it in different ways. For the first video we go over the subtle, very popular balayage look you see all over instagram and pinterest. It focuses on the ends and around the face using V pieces. 

For the second video I show you how to cover more ground faster when taking someone blonder. 

Enjoy the videos this week guys! And as always, use the Facebook group to your advantage! If you have any questions or get stuck just scroll through there to see if someone has already asked your question, and if not ask away! And please share your work! I'd love to see how you're coming along, as well as be able to help you learn and grow further! 

All content is exclusively owned and licensed by Jessica S Services, LLC. Purchasers agree not to share, reproduce, copy or disseminate content in any format without Jessica S Services LLC's express written permission. By purchasing and using this content, purchaser agrees and understands that they obtain no ownership or dissemination rights to the content.

  • If you're working on a mannequin I'd highly recommend using different size V's in different sections. That way you can see the difference of the effects side by side!
  • OR if you prefer models try to get two models similar to the ones in the videos. One who wants a subtle effect, and one who wants to be lighter. This way you can truly see the versatility in this technique. 
  • If you haven't started painting on a human I HIGHLY suggest you start this week. Mannequin hair doesn't lift the same as a model/friends will, and mannequins also have very dense hair around the hairlines, which is exactly opposite of a live head of hair. You'll want to start getting practice in on a real head so you can see how your pressure is and where you need to improve. Manni's are great to start and get the feel of it, but we're in the business of people! Lets try to work on some people this week! 
  • Points to focus on: WATCH YOUR PADDLE. I went over this in one of the videos today, lets make sure if you were getting any lines on your balayages last week, try placing the end of your piece on the dry side of your paddle this week and slowly build up the lightener. And lets also focus on bringing more lightener up higher this week. This would apply more to the model in video 2. If you're trying to go lighter, don't be shy with the lightener. if your piece is see through at the root area, its going to be invisible after rinsing. Now that works great if your goal is video 1. But for video 2, lets see some opaque painted pieces!
  • Use the Facebook group! Post your work, questions and successes! 
  • HAVE FUN! 
  • I paint with intention and confidence.
  • My art and skills draw new clients to me. 
  • I am ready to elevate my business.
  • I show up, do the work, and get amazing results because of it. 
  • I balayage with ease and grace.
  • Good things come to me because I am passionate about my work, and believe in what I do.