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We have new regulations from the state to help us all stay safe, so let’s go over our new way of life in the salon!

  • TAKE YOUR TEMPERATURE AT HOME BEFORE YOUR APPOINTMENT. Please stay home if you or anyone in your household have a fever or any illness symptoms!

  • MASKS are mandatory for artists and guests. Mask must be on before entering the building and remain on. **Please wear an over the ear mask that you don’t mind getting color stained!

  • COME ALONE (no kids, friends, partners).

  • TEXT WHEN YOU ARRIVE AND WAIT IN YOUR CAR. Our lobbies are closed.

  • Bring in ONLY the necessities (think keys phone wallet, drink).


  • We love you all so much and can’t wait to fix you up, but for now, no hugs please!



I am currently accepting new clients!

Before you schedule with me I ask that you please email me at for a quick consultation! In your email please include:

  • Pictures of the front, side and back of your hair in natural lighting (having someone else take them near a window is best) *please no bathroom mirror pictures- they do not show me what’s actually going on with your hair.

  • Your hair history for the past 4 years- please include any color treatments, highlights, smoothing treatments, etc. Even if you feel like they’re not on your hair anymore.

  • And lastly tell me what your hair goal is. Feel free to send inspiration pictures, but remember they are for inspiration- not for exact replica.

I absolutely love creating the best custom color for you and your lifestyle!

I’m so excited to meet you and your hair!

Want to get to know me better?

Click the icons below!

I've linked ALL my social media accounts, personal and professional! Come connect with me