Welcome to Week Four!
We're covering all the phone things!
It's a long one, so grab a drink and a snack and get your phone out and ready to download some apps and learn some fun stuff!
All content is exclusively owned and licensed by Jessica S Services, LLC. Purchasers agree not to share, reproduce, copy or disseminate content in any format without Jessica S Services LLC's express written permission. By purchasing and using this content, purchaser agrees and understands that they obtain no ownership or dissemination rights to the content.
- Snapseed - Photot editing
- Over- Watermark, Logo, Ads
- Portrait pro- Blurry background
- Grid it- Cuts up one photo into 3, 6, 9 or more to take over your whole Instagram profile
- Layout- for putting photos side by side like a before & after (didn't show in class but wanted to add it for you guys)
- You're allowed to have 30 hashtags per pic. USE them all! You never know which one will be your biggest resource so don't short yourself. Mine go to groups of hashtags are listed below, but don't feel obligated to stick to those! Get creative, thing of things your niche market is searching! (If you're not sure, ask your favorite clients what they search in instargram)
- Tag big accounts that share other artists work like the brands you use and the beauty supply store you shop from!
- Try to tag your clients when possible. Most likely they will like and comment, which is good for your engagement but will also be more exposure from their friends as well!
- Search your neighborhood/city/town and like photos of people you want as clients. (Remember the rule of 3, 2 likes and a comment is the "magic" formula lol!)
- Remember, you likely won't use 90% of them.
- Don't feel obligated to post every client, take their photos so they feel special, but its not always the right hair, lighting, pose and thats OK!
- Keep your lighting face level, above creates a warm halo
- Outdoor lighting can be beautiful especially if you pull the shadows back in with editing!
- Dusk is an INCREDIBLE time for indirect lighting outdoors for blondes.
- Windows will be your BEST FRIEND when you don't have good lighting indoors. I'll get you guys a pic of me plastered against the window to get the pic of my client. Haha! I'm dedicated to the good lighting!
- Iphone is more accurate than Samsung with color. Use your editing app to correct colors if you have a Samsung. Play with Saturation and Warmth
- You don't need a fancy camera. But a clear background, nicely styled hair and good/decent lighting is SO helpful.
- Join local groups and engage regularly (people are constantly asking for referrals for hair, don't be shy! Introduce yourself and link your business page!
- Post your ballpark prices
- Something I forgot to mention... mentally set hours for yourself. The more you show up online on social media, the more clients and potential clients seem to think its ok to message you about hair questions at all hours of the night. DO NOT RESPOND until an hour you would consider "work" hours. If you respond at 11pm, they're going to constantly think its ok to message you then. I also highly recommend not offering online consults.
- Another random thing... share your business page posts on your personal page. Your friends and family want to support you and see what you do for work, so show them! When they like and comment it'll show up on their friends pages as well, more potential clients!
Use our private FB group to ask any and all questions!
Xo Jess