Welcome to week 4!
We have TWO videos this week!
First video is Heavy Blonde Balayage! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this technique and use it ALL the time!
I know its titled heave "blonde" but you could absolutely use this on any hair color! It creates overall lightness while still providing a nice amount of dimension for a more natural grow out!
Great for transitioning from foils.
Have fun painting this week!
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- This week start getting comfortable "dropping off" your product a little closer to the root area. You'll want to do this on people who are wanting to be brighter blonde, or have bolder pieces in the front or overall!
- Focus a LOT on how much product you're picking up off your paddle each time with your brush. Consistency is KEY, so if this isn't something you've already been paying attention to, NOW is the time. The more consistent you can get with your product PICK UP, the more consistent your painting will be because you'll know how much is about to go onto the hair.
- Don't be shy! Lets really work on laying the product on there. You'll see in both videos that there are some pieces I apply multiple layers to one piece.
- IF you can find them, 4-6 month grown out foils make GREAT balayage retouch models.
- Next week we will touch on transitioning foils so if you can't find someone 4-6 months grown out, rest assured! You'll have the tools in your arsenal next week for someone who's 6 weeks grown out and wants to transition!